We are a digital archive of popular memory of Artana. In other words, a digital space where you can find very different information and documents, but which always have as a common point being related to our town. All kinds of documents, both academic and popular, can be found in this space: collections of old photos with comments, interviews with neighbors, interviews with groups, information on local customs, etc.

We want to create a space open to neighborhood contributions that serves to recognize the value that our popular culture deserves.
This popular culture includes history, traditions, etc.; that is to say, tangible and intangible heritage of Artana
This recovery is done with the collaboration of everyone, because we want to identify and collectively build those elements that are particularly important for our community, for our collective identity, for the quality of life and for dignity as a People.

Carlitos' milonga

The story of Carlitos
Carlitos' milonga, an original work from the 1940s, tells the dramatic story of one Carlos in his escape from Artana, where he was a barquiller, to Barcelona, looking for a better life.
This tragic story becomes comical at times, with references to places and people that could cause hilarity among local listeners. It was written in Spanish but with numerous Valencianisms, another feature that was used in a comical way and that was very common in the popular culture of those years, especially in the sainets.
Carlitos' odyssey is as follows: on the first day of the year, he runs away from the village, hiding his saria and saying that he is going to pick oranges. He is actually going to Valencia, where he takes a steamer to Barcelona. He can't find work there and runs out of money, but he agrees with Pasqualet de Pero who invites him to lunch.
He is cold in his precarious accommodation and is thinking of going back, while in Artana a nephew takes over his wheelbarrow, and people think that he has left because he has a "sweetheart". The family locates him, they send him a check and two letters: in the first they tell him that Xotxim de Parret has found his saree, in the second that his mother is unwell. He reluctantly takes a train home and Nules meets Joaquín de Plano who gives him a ride. There ends the adventure, which seems to have lasted only a few weeks.
The story was true, but despite its tragic nature the worst part is left to tell: Carlos was a widower and had three children. When he left, he left them in the care of his mother-in-law, an older and lonely woman who took them forward by recruiting in the neighboring towns.
As for the first performer, Joan de Nela was precisely nicknamed "Angelillo" because he sang very well. She was a singer of fandangos but also of Valencian songs and other musical genres. The quality of his voice is appreciated in this audio even though the recorders scared people a little.

Audiovisual material
Cristina Traver, "Interview with José Rico Blasco, "Seba""
In commemoration of the 3rd centenary of Cristina
To celebrate the three hundred years of Cristina, the Big Bell of the bell tower of Artana, we have prepared an audiovisual document with our own images, videos and audios and from different friendly sources, based on a text by Josep Herrero and the voice of 'Empar Pons, edited by Laura Yustas and Nelo Vilar.
The bell ringers José Enrique Puchol Aragonés, from Vall d'Uixó, took part in the final Volteig; José Vicente Manzana Mondragón, from Eslida, and Josep Herrero Cabanyes, from Artana, with the assistance of Pilar Traver, Roberto Silvestre Pla, Regina Pallarès Pitarch and Sofía Gascó Pla. The Repic can be seen on video from this same session in The rings of the bells of Artana, where we hosted information about the 22 traditional rings in Artana. A great intangible heritage.
In Artanapédia you can also find Texts on bells and bell ringers in the Hoja Parroquial (1968), which reports on the manufacture of bells. Or Master bell ringers in Artana, where Josep Herrero details the work of the Traver family, bell ringers in our town. And again we recommend the information on the bells of Artana collected on the website of the Bell Ringers' Guild.
Below is the video In commemoration of the 3rd centenary of Cristina, the Big Bell:
November 20, 1611
Copy of the Archives of the Kingdom of Valencia, Real Justice, 798 (1751-1752), f. 10v.-15r. Thanks to Vicent Gil for his contribution to our Heritage.
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AC Friends of Artana
Editors: Nelo Vilar
Joseph Herrero