The Archives of the Provincial Council of Castelló is the public service responsible for the management, treatment, custody, conservation and dissemination of the documentary heritage of the Council of Castelló, in each of the stages of the life cycle of the documents, for the management administrative, the right of access to information, research and culture.

In addition to the own documentation generated by the Corporation and its dependent bodies, the archive holds an important collection of historical documentation from external funds, which come from different municipalities in the province and from other institutions, some of which have already disappeared.

It also preserves an outstanding Photographic Archive, with images from all over the province of Castellón.

The Archive has a Library and Auxiliary Newspaper Library, which collect the publications of the province of Castelló and other works related to history, geography, art history, archival science and social sciences; and a Binding Workshop.

The chronology of this documentation begins in 1239 until the present day.

Documentary funds
From the Provincial Council of Castelló (1822-…)
- Own Funds
- Mas archive
- National Library
- Fund Publications.
- "Penyagolosa" magazine fund.
- Heredio Iserte Fund.
- Asencio-Salvador Fund.
- Geographical Service of the Army.
Autonomous bodies, public companies of the Provincial Council and bodies in which the Provincial Council participates with other entities.
• Other funds
◦ Foreign historical documentation.
◦ Francisco Maristany Fund.
◦ Count of Cirat Fund.
◦ Abel Mus Fund.
◦ Fons Grande/Gil-Mascarell.
◦ Archive Maria.
• Photo archive.
◦ Own funds.
◦ Archive Mas.
◦ National Library.
◦ Publications Fund.
◦ Fund Magazine "Penyagolosa".
◦ Heredio Iserte Fund.
◦ Asencio-Salvador Fund.
◦ Geographical Service of the Army.
• Collection of reproductions of documents from other archives.
• File of citizenship.
- Collection of reproductions of documents from other archives.
- Archive of citizenship.
Featured Funds
- Minute books of the plenary session of the Provincial Council (since 1822).
- Municipal Board (1824-1859) and Provincial Charity Board (1859-1868) and Charity section.
- Construction projects for buildings and facilities of the Provincial Council and the municipalities.
- Documentary fund of the municipality of Catí, highlighting the Town Charter (1239).
- Maps and plans of Cristòbal Garavelli Antonelli, Fons Comtes de Cirat (1590-1593).
- Book called Instruction of the Christian Woman by Joan Lluís Vives (Prince edition of 1528).
- Official Bulletin of the Province of Castelló (1834-...) and Electoral Census (1895-1956).

- Regulation and arrangement of the document management system and electronic archive.
- Training and advice to staff in document management.
- Transfer of documents.
- Archival treatment of documents.
- Consultation and internal loan.
- Protection and conservation of documentary heritage.
- Regulation and arrangement of the document management system and electronic archive.
- Training and advice to staff in document management.
- Transfer of documents.
- Archival treatment of documents.
- Consultation and internal loan.
- Protection and conservation of documentary heritage.
In person or at a distance (telephone, fax, postal or e-mail). All funds have some instrument of description: indexes, inventories and catalogues. The consultation is freely accessible, with the restrictions set by current legislation. The researcher must be identified with an ID or passport.
Photocopies or photographs may be obtained depending on the state of conservation of the document.
auxiliary library Made up of reference works, archival auxiliary sciences and local history.
(*SIA): Creation of the General Directorate of Books, Archives and Libraries with the aim of facilitating access to professional information for all those working in the archives of the Valencian Community.
– Guided visits to the Archive (groups).
- Revitalization workshops with schoolchildren.
– Document restoration laboratory.
- Event's Hall.
– Exhibition hall.
Write to us, send us pictures
Visit us, call us
New Dependencies Building, 2nd floor.
Av. Vall d'Uixó, 25 (Castelló de la Plana)