The Diocesan Archive is based in the Episcopal Palace of Oriola. The funds that are preserved show us the historical wealth of the Diocese of Oriola - Alicante being a witness to the faith of our elders, the pastoral, sacramental, liturgical, educational, social, cultural, welfare activities and the organization and the development of our diocese.
Pilar Vallalta Martínez
The director of our conservation and restoration area explains to us what her task and job is.

Documentary funds
Cathedral Archive of Oriola. Episcopal Archive of Oriola. Music Archive. Parish Archives of the Diocese of Oriola - Alicante
Extreme dates: XIV century - Present day

Most outstanding documents
Nuremberg Chronicles, Italian Miniat Missal, ….
Services and activities
Genealogy service - digitization and reprography -. auxiliary library-. room of researchers-. archival, historical and heritage advice
Visits to the historical archive for educational and cultural purposes

The first printing press founded in the province of Alicante was installed in Oriola in 1602
On the initiative of Bishop José Esteve Juan. Diego de la Torre established the workshop in the Episcopal Palace where the first printed book "Synodus Oriolana Secunda" is located.
Oriola had great economic interests such as the Dominican college, the university, the town hall and the wealth of the orchard, which favored the episcopal city becoming the first printing office in the territory of the diocese
Document of the month

February 2023
This month of February 2023 we highlight as Document of the Month the Book of curious news for the government of the Prior of the Stewardship of the Blessed Sacrament established in the Chapel of Our Lady of Loreto attached to the Holy Cathedral Church of this city of Oriola under the government of Il·lm. Mr. Cabildo of the same one that was written in 1841", where the history, images, customs, traditions and practices that took place in the extra-mural chapel of the Oriolan cathedral dedicated to Santa Maria del Loreto are collected. It was written in 1841 by the oldest prebendary chaplain of the cathedral of Oriola, Dr. Joan Maria de Buck, and constitutes an essential source for knowing the operation of the brotherhoods established there, under the invocations of the Blessed Sacrament, Blood of Christ , Our Lady of Loreto and Our Lady of the Desperate, as well as their socio-religious functions, and, significantly, the organization of the procession of the Holy Burial of Christ that was celebrated on Good Friday in the afternoon and started from the chapel .
Dr. Mariano Cecilia Espinosa
Dr. Gemma Ruiz Ángel

January 2023
This January we highlight this interesting 18th century print kept in the Oriola Cathedral Archives where the legal allegation made by Mr. Gerónimo de Pisana i Ruiz, García de Espejo, representing himself, was disseminated, and as Father, and legitimate administrator of Mr. Joseph Pisana i Abellán, García de Espejo, in the case with the curator of Mr. Diego de Castilla i March, demented, and with Mr. Francisco Alonso i Ruiz, as the husband of Mrs. Ana María Pisana on the succession of the mayorazgo founded by Don Thomás García d'Espejo, of his property, and of Don Luis García d'Espill. The cover of the print is headed by an interesting engraving of Sant Francesc de Borja as a special protector against earthquakes and heatwaves.
Dr. Mariano Cecilia Espinosa
Dr. Gemma Ruiz Ángel
Research work

Our researchers Gemma Ruiz and Mariano Cecilia have published a new research paper in UCOARTE, Magazine of Art Theory and History of the University of Córdoba, on the altarpiece of Sant Cristòfol Mártir in the Cathedral of Oriola
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Carrer Major de Ramón i Cajal, 9, 03300 Oriola, Alicante
Networks of the Oriola Diocesan Archive
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