/Departure from Xirivelleta s/n. 46014. Valencia. Metro L1 and L5, South Valencia

Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana

Responsible: José Ferri Borrás. Specialist technician: Virginia García Ortells. Administration: Fernando Navarro Bárcenas

Documentary background that includes the animal-drawn tramway (end of the XIX century) to the latest FEVE projects in Valencia (1986).

In 1986, with the establishment of the Public Entity Railways of the Generalitat Valenciana, much of the documentation generated by the previous Valencian tram and narrow-gauge railway companies was transferred.

Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana Railway Historical Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana

The chronology of this documentation begins in 1883 until 1987.

The funds house correspondence, petitions, parts, requests, land expropriation sheets and plans, personnel files, plans and original projects of their infrastructure works, improvements, rolling stock, double track or electrification.

Documentary Fund

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Departure from Xirivelleta s/n. 46014. Valencia.
Metro L1 and L5, South Valencia.