Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia
/Plaça Tetuan 3 (Palace of Cervelló) 46003 Valencia

Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia


The Municipal Archives of Valencia date back to the 13th century, with the conquest of Valencia by King Sr. James I in 1238, and the creation of the first local institutions. The two essential positions of this first organization were the CÚRIA, later called JUSTÍCIA, officer in charge of administering ordinary local justice in the city, and the BALL, which administered and managed the king's estate. 

The Municipal Archive has been the depository of the historical testimony of the most diverse historical, social, religious, economic, literary and cultural manifestations in Valencia.

Subsequently, in 1245 the institution of the JURATORS was created whose mission was to govern, administer and rule the city, thus establishing the foundations of the future municipal executive power.

A legacy that has been increasing over time and that has required a change of location on more than one occasion, to adapt the archive to social, political conditions and, above all, to the needs of space.

The first location of the Archive was some houses enabled for the establishment of the Curia and its court in Plaça de l'Almoina, opposite the Cathedral, granted by privilege of Jaume I to the City of Valencia on 21 of May 1239, place where the first documents began to be kept.

In 1306, a fire along with the lack of space, determined a new change of location. Thus, Jaume II authorized the City, by means of a privilege dated April 22, 1311, to purchase some houses at the beginning of the current Carrer de Cavallers, on the lot where the Generalitat gardens are currently located .

At the beginning of the 15th century, specifically in 1412, the "Council" decided that a specific space would be created inside the building to store all the most historically important manuscripts of the City, such as "The Book of the Furs" or the " Book of the Consulate of the Sea", with the aim of better conservation.

As the activity of the municipality increased and, consequently, the funds of the Archive, the need to form inventories and give a rational classification to all the documents was considered, given the difficulty that often presented for the Write to search for any type of information requested. An example of this is a book of Notarial Protocols from the year 1484, kept in the Archive, which contains a brief list of "Council minutes" from 1306.

Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia Municipal Historical Archive of Valencia

But it is on February 26, 1729 when the Chief Clerk, Mr. Andrés Tinajero, the preparation of a General Inventory of all the documents of the Archive in order to speed up institutional management, although it was not completed until June 1732.

In the middle of the 19th century, due to the dilapidated state in which the Casa de la Ciutat was located, the municipality decided to move it to another place that would cover the political and administrative needs of the city.

The new location chosen was the building on Carrer Reglons that occupied the Real Casa de l'Ensenyament, where part of the municipal offices had already temporarily moved.

The House of Education was an institution founded by the Archbishop Mayoral in the 18th century destined to house on the first floor a school for the education and gathering of girls of distinguished birth; and on the ground floor and main floor he accommodated the poor girls whose education was free.

The process of moving the municipal government to the new location was long and began with the Archives between 1855 and 1856, consolidating in 1935, a period in which the annexes of the Church of Santa Rosa were incorporated by to permanently install in them the Municipal Archive of Valencia and the Historical Museum of the city.

However, again mainly the lack of space, but also the need to adapt to the new communication and information guidelines, made another transfer of the Archive necessary.

On March 16, 1923, a new Archive Regulation was approved to regulate the operating regime and establish the necessary provisions for the conservation, cataloging and study of its funds. And finally, with the arrival of electronic administration, the City Council approved on January 30, 2015, the latest Regulation of the Municipal Archive of Valencia, which contemplates the new technological reality.

Consultations in the Archive, both by the administration itself and by external researchers, are increasingly numerous.

Acquired by the City the Palau de Cervelló, a building located in Plaça Tetuan number 3, the Corporation earmarked it to house the Municipal Historical Archive, officially opening on May 8, 2003. It is a functional and modern building, which houses the written memory of the city and which has the latest technologies in the field of archives.

Regarding the internal activity of the Archive itself, the work of organizing the documentation continues. At the end of the 19th century, specifically in 1894, an Internal Regulation of the Municipal Archives was approved, in which an order was established for the general classification of documents, in addition to establishing a rigorous regime and method for the 'exit and entry of documents, as well as to facilitate a better service.

Classification, arrangement and cataloging of the different collections of the Archive are being carried out: Table of Exchange, Royal Parchments, Claverias, Notarial Documentation, Guilds, Photographic Archive, Court of Commerce, Llotja Documentation, etc. And, in recent years, computerization and digitization tasks have been undertaken, such as the register, civil registry or photographic archive.

Currently, work is being done on the implementation of an electronic filing system that complies with current archival regulations, which entails tasks of expanding the classification table of the documentation. As well as the incorporation of the Archive into the Valencian Online Archive System (SAVEX).

The chronology of this documentation starts in 1226 until the end of the 20th century.

Documentary funds

Featured Funds

Services and activities

The staff of the Archive attend to inquiries in person, by telephone (963525478, extension 2651) or by email ( 

Citizens have the right to free consultation and/or reproduction of the documentary funds kept in the Municipal Archive in accordance with current legislation; with the exception of documentation that contains data that may affect the privacy of people, the security or defense of the State or the detection of crimes; as established by art. 37.1 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, which basically fall under:

  • Documents relating to register, health, personnel, etc., if twenty-five years have not passed since the death of those affected, if its date is known, or in another case, fifty years have not passed since the date of the document.
  • Documents relating to technical projects of buildings built before 1986.

Nor will it be possible to consult the documentation whose state of conservation advises against it.

For the rest of the documents not included in the previous sections, consultation is free, and those interested can go directly to the Municipal Archive, located in the Palau de Cervelló, during opening hours to the public (Mornings: from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Evenings: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., except for the months of July, August and December).

A specialized library that is at the service of researchers and whose catalog can be consulted through the website.


Located on the ground floor of the building and equipped with complete technical equipment.


"Treasure of memory" collects a selection of the most representative documents from the Municipal Historical Archive from the provincial, Bourbon and constitutional periods. All of them exhibited next to the models of the different buildings in which the Municipal Archive has been located. A room set in the Columnar Hall of the Llotja, in which we find the Codex of the Consulate and the Table of Exchange, among others. And another interactive room to consult graphic material and restoration processes.


The courtyard of Palau de Cervelló, headquarters of the Archive, hosts the informative activity "Archive Documents", which consists of organizing temporary monographic exhibitions to make the Archive's holdings known.






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Plaça Tetuan 3 (Cervelló Palace)
46003 Valencia

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