Emilio Llueca Úbeda starts, at the end of the sixties, what would be the Archive of the chronicler. It collects and classifies all kinds of documentary material, primarily from the towns of the Valle de Va segar and the city of Sagunto itself, where the creator of the documentary collection has lived since 1963.

Later, the need arises to recover the documents, both written and graphic, from the city of Sagunto and the rest of the Camp de Morvedre, which he finds in antiques shops and traces in Valencia and on his frequent professional trips, where he visits and searches for stocks in second-hand bookshops, rakes and antique shops, especially in Paris, Hamburg, London, Florence and Amsterdam.

The documentary fund became part of the archive itself started as a result of his research work as a chronicler since 1971, when he was appointed official chronicler of Benifairó de les Valls. The Archive of the official chronicler of Benifairó de les Valls, Benevites and Quartell is consolidated, becoming the Llueca-Juesas Archive of Images of Sagunt.

Given that more than 90 percent of the accumulated documentation corresponds to this city, and it was made available to scholars and researchers from 1976, when the family acquired this social commitment to the city and its region.

Documentary funds
When the Archive was started, collecting everything that was somehow related to Sagunto or its surroundings, its promoter did not find the official support requested from the City Council of Sagunto and some local institutions. The dedication and financial effort made has resulted in the formation of an interesting fund when it comes to documenting aspects of the history of the city of Sagunto and its region. Documents (especially from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries), engravings, drawings, photographs, maps, plans, postcards, newspaper clippings, small-format publications, posters, postal history, orange advertising, wine labels, spirits, chromes, heritage, etc. are some of the materials that make up the Archive.

Much of the material contained in this documentary collection
They have been shown in exhibitions and congresses. They have been and are the basis of many research works and preparation of doctoral theses, theses, books, articles and legal reports on Sagunto and the Camp de Morvedre. For some years now, the documentary fund has been consulted by students, professionals, scholars and researchers from a wide range of disciplines (architecture, history, geography, fine arts, journalism, image and communication, etc.) from the city of Sagunto itself and the region of Camp de Morvedre, as well as from outside it.
The inventory of all the materials contained in this archive is currently being made known through specialized publications.
All the loans, publications, exhibitions, consultations and all those activities that are held are carried out without profit, as nothing has ever been charged to anyone, all expenses are borne by the family that owns the documentary fund.

General Vicent Rojo and Juan Negrín, in 1938. Efe
2019. Tribute to General Rojo, organized by the Camp de Morvedre Archive
Sagunto receives tribute to General Vicente Rojo. A visit to the old Plaça Xocainet, recently named Plaça General Vicente Rojo, and a talk at the CEIP Cronista Chabret were the events organized by the Arxiu del Camp de Morvedre association in collaboration with the Sagunto City Council to pay tribute to the military man and adopted son of Sagunto.
General Vicent Rojo: "I put my voice for the first time..."
The first and only intervention on the radio that is known of Vicent Rojo, on January 18, 1939 in Barcelona a few days before Barcelona fell into Franco's hands.
Privileges and honors of the city of Sagunto
Interview with Albert LLueca, who presents the book "Privileges and Honors of the City of Sagunto"
Sagunto Republican book (1931-1939)
Written by Albert Llueca based on Emili Llueca's notes for the exhibition of the same name that was not held during the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Second Republic in Sagunto. And with an introduction by Josep Ramón Carbonell, collaborator of larxiu.org.
Book The house opposite (and other stories)
Many years ago
What did I have in mind to write this book that today, dear friend and countryman, you have in your hands. It was about reflecting in a few quartiles those little stories lived by me, and whose scene was the streets of Quartell and its people. Place where, in July 1949, I saw the light of day for the first time.
As a child I wanted to write something like my own history, my own chronicle. my diary I wanted to record the life of my family, my parents, my brothers and myself. Without forgetting all those people who, in one way or another, formed and are part of our own existence, even if it is in the distance. Of course I couldn't forget Aunt Carmen Asensi, the neighbor from "the house opposite".
I would not want to continue these lines without clarification
That when I talk about "aunt" or "uncle" on these pages, I don't do it in a derogatory way. The terms "aunt" or "tio" in our towns of La Vall de Segó have a very special, intimate, familiar meaning. Many times its meaning surpasses the true consanguineous family ties. On a large number of occasions the treatment of "aunt" or "uncle" has been replaced by that of Mrs. or Mr., in these pages, when we have deemed it appropriate. The nickname, or "nickname", also plays a very important role in our society. That is why it is often inevitable to accompany the given name with a nickname. Not therefore meaning a vexatious treatment, but quite the opposite, they are cited with great respect and affection, especially when their "holders" consider themselves totally identified with them and even use it with pride.
Throughout these pages
Many of our friends and neighbors will be mentioned, since they are also the protagonists of these stories; quoting for this reason with their first and last names since this book does not collect fantastic, fictional stories, but quite the opposite; it tries to recover the memory of a time lived by simple but so honest and humane people, who have deserved to be remembered in our little history; that of our town. There are many memories, small and great stories lived by me and my family from the summer of the last year of the dark decade of the forties until 1965, that is, from my lighting in Quartell until our move to Sagunto in 1965. They were 15 unforgettable and unrepeatable years.
My book, La casa d'enfront
It sees the light precisely when the fifty-three years of our absence from Quartell, the place where this story unfolds, are fulfilled. I would like that one day some friend, or the City Council itself, will place on the wall, very close to the front door, of the house where Aunt Carmen and her family lived, a simple plaque, as Aunt Carmen was, that says; "This is the house opposite." The reason for its title, "La casa d'enfront", is very simple. It does not arise by chance. Aunt Carmen lived in the house opposite, on Carrer del Banc, right across from where we lived. Much of my childhood and the dawn of my early youth passed in that house. That house, scene of many of my stories, and its inhabitants occupied and still occupy a very important place in our lives, both for me and for my family.
Full of memories and longings
It wouldn't make sense if it would reflect the historical reality of the space and the lived time it embraces, and of course of all those people, co-protagonists of my story. A large number of our congregants parade through these pages, many of them are unfortunately no longer with us. I have a very special memory of all of them. I have never stopped visiting, when my multiple interests allow me, my town. I like to walk through its streets, the old and the new. Watching it grow and remembering my childhood years spent with my family in Quartell. Meeting up with old friends and classmates from school and games. To remember with them past times and when I can speak, write and make known, through my books, articles and talks, in Quartell, my town, of which one day the City Council distinguished me with the honorable title of Official Chronicler.
Gallery of the Llueca-Juesas Archive of Sagunto images
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