The Municipal Archive is composed of the organic set of documents from any era and material support, produced and received by the City Council of Crevillent in the exercise of its functions, and which are kept properly organized for use in municipal management , information, culture and research.

Likewise, acquisitions, deposits or donations from institutions or individuals of interest to Crevillent are part of the Municipal Archives and will form part of our documentary heritage.

The first documentary reference to the Municipal Archive of Crevillent appears in the Pòsit's act books, on May 20, 1771, where the formation of the Archive or Arca de les Tres Claus is mentioned. In 1847, upon the death of the notary D. José Mas Aznar, his protocols were inventoried, in order to deposit them in the Archive of the Chapter House.

Throughout the second half of the 19th century, there are several references to the organization of the Municipal Archive, relating to the appointment of personnel in charge of its organization.

During the 20th century, there is evidence of several attempts to organize the archive, which were merely initiatives, until finally, in 2002, it constituted the starting point of the current Municipal Archive service, integrated within of the general secretariat area.

On March 28, 2015, the new building of the Municipal Archive was inaugurated, with an area of 657 m2 intended for storage, in which there are remains of the old castle wall (14th century), connected to the building where the work area (40 m2), consultation room (22 m2) and exhibition room (60 m2) are located.

The chronology of this documentation starts in 1686 until 2010.

Documentary funds
The municipal documentary fund constitutes, without a doubt, the most important and voluminous documentary fund, made up of the documentation generated and received by the City Council in the exercise of its functions, from 1838 to the present day, since it brings together the phase historical (8,000 boxes), such as the administrative phase, including the office archive of the last five years.
Section made up of funds from donations or deposits from their holders:
- "La Fuente Antigua" Water Union (1852-1984).
- "San Jose y María" Mining Society. "The Tasting" (1871-1994).
- Carpet factory "Hijo de Augusto Mas" (1690-1982).
- Domingo Ghiglione Candela (1860-1866).
- Hilaturas Mas Candela, SA (1902-1907).
- Joaquin Galiano García (1914-1992).
It also has a digitized copy of the brotherhood's documentation
- "The Samaritan" (1865-1993).
- CARPET FACTORY “FILL D’AUGUST MES”/CARPET FACTORY “FILL D’AUGUST MES” (1686-1994).- company file deposited by its owners in 1998, which includes the documentation of this carpet factory, the most important of Crevillent, since 1859. Within this fund, we find notarial protocols and among the files belonging to the Notary Pasqual Llopis, a documentary series made up of public documents of the City Council of Crevillent, from the 18th to the 19th century, stands out, which has been digitized in its entirety.
- SANT JOSEP AND MARIA MINING COMPANY. EL TAST/SANT JOSEP I MARIA MINING SOCIETY. THE TAST (1871-1994).- fund of a water mine donated, in June 2010, to the City Council of Crevillent by the researcher and history buff, Salvador Puig Fuentes.
- LA FONT ANTIGA WATER ASSOCIATION/LA FONT ANTIGA WATER ASSOCIATION (1852-1984).- donated, in June 2010, to Crevillent Town Council by Salvador Puig Fuentes, corresponding to a water mine, item of great importance in Crevillentine local history, and even more so, if we consider that it is a water mine of medieval origin, in operation until 1963, when the flow was considerably reduced.
- SUNDAY GHIGLIONE I [CANDELA] (1860-1866).- given in June 2014 to the Town Hall of Crevillent by an anonymous Crevillent resident, it belongs to a merchant established in Crevillent; they are two copybooks of correspondence (1860-1866) and an accounting book (1866).
- HILATURES MAS CANDELA/FILATURES MAS CANDELA (1902-1982).- company founded by Manuel Mas Candela in 1889, who began his journey as a mat manufacturer and later specialized in spinning after the outbreak of the First World War. These are two books, a General Ledger (1902-1905) and another production record (1905-1907), as well as various writings from the last stage of the company, given by Isidro Boyer.
- PERSONAL FUND JOAQUIN GALIANO GARCÍA/PERSONAL FUND JOAQUIN GALIANO GARCÍA (1914-1992).- documentation gathered by Joaquín Galiano García throughout his life and left by his good friend Francisco Pastor Juan, whose heirs, María Josefa Pastor Luís Pastor Alfonso, donated to the Municipal Archive on July 21, 2017. Contains documentation of his literary production, personal letters, photographs and of the Confraria de Crevillentinos Absentes de Madrid.
- CONFRADIA LA SAMARITANA/CONFÁRIA LA SAMARITANA.- digitized copy given by the confraternity, consisting of a record book (1865-1890) and an account book (1944-1993). Consultation in the room.
JOAQUÍN PÉREZ GALIPIENSO FUND (1960-1973).-photographic fund returned to Crevillent City Council by this municipal official, composed of 144 photographs, 11 postcards and 45 press clippings from the newspapers La Verdad and Diario Informatica, corresponding to the old Municipal Information Bulletin installed in Plaça de la Constitució, which is why they have been reincorporated into the municipal documentary heritage and are of great value, as they have contributed to the photographic collection of the Municipal Archive. - OTHER PARTICULAR DONATIONS.
FONS JOSÉ SERNA SOLER (1913-1979).- documentation recovered from the defunct Teatre Chapí, as well as party programs from the Impretip printing house, owned by the donor. - JOAN MIQUEL TOMAS AND TOMAS FUND.- Municipal Account Book of 1700-1710, transferred to the Municipal Archives on June 21, 2021, for a period of 8 years, thanks to Joan Miquel Tomas i Tomas from Crevillen who saved it from the destruction
- ANA CANDELA BOYER FUND.- newspapers from La Terreta and Patria Chia (in the process of digitization).
- JOSÉ MANUEL BELTRÁ POVEDA FUND - Easter magazines, confraternities, Teatre Chapí posters, photographs and documentation of the Lillo-Gallardo family (in the process of cataloging).
- MUNICIPAL PHOTO COLLECTION (1958-2010) 3,454 photographs
- PRIVATE DONATIONS (1942-2017) 124 photographs
- AUGUSTO MAS (SF) 1 photograph
- JUAN ALONSO LLOPIS (SF) 2 photographs
- JOAQUIN PÉREZ *GALIPIENSO (1960-1971) 156 photographs
- JOAQUIN GALIANO GARCÍA (1927-1992) 151 photographs
- INSTITUTIONAL ACTS (1967-1975) 99 photographs
- EDUCATION AND CULTURE (1965-1985) 156 photographs
- SPORTS (1991-2010) 1,882 photographs
- 9.4. PARTIES (1968-1973) 22 photographs
- BUILDINGS AND MUNICIPAL HERITAGE (1962-1987) 103 photographs
- *JUMELAGE (1968-1993) 778 photographs
- WORKS AND URBANISM (1958-1997) 219 photographs
- TERRITORY AND LANDSCAPES (1961-1979) 195 photographs

Featured Funds
- Purchase and sale of an hour of irrigation water (1686), oldest document.
- Book of chapters for the good governance of the town (1756).
- The enterprise fund of the "Hijo de'Augusto Mas" carpet factory, whose foundation dates back to the 19th century, stands out.
– Of small stories and ephemeris: 50 Documents of the Month, Excellent Crevillent Town Council. Municipal Archive, 2020. ISBN 978-84-09-21066-4
– The government of Crevillent according to the ordinances of 1756 and 1878, Excellent Crevillent Town Council. Municipal Archive, 2021. ISBN 978-84-09-32522-1
– CREVILLENT DURING THE WAR OF SPANISH SUCCESSION, Revista Setmana Santa-Crevillente, 86 (2023) (in press).
- CREVILLENT SUPPLIES MARKET.- published in Revista Moros i Cristians Crevillent, 2006, pp. 222-225.
- ILLUSTRATED CHILDREN OF CREVILLENT.- "Protocol Section in the Municipal Archive of Crevillent: Illustrious Children of Crevillent", in Revista Moros i Cristianos, 2012, pp. 202-207.
- FIFTH IN CREVILLENT IN THE 19TH CENTURY.-published in the magazine Moros i Cristians Crevillent, 2011, pp. 200-203.
- A COMPANY ARCHIVE, A CARPET FACTORY: SON OF AUGUST MAS.- published in Canelobre, 58 (2011). pp. 135-140.
- TEACHING IN CREVILLENT IN THE 19TH CENTURY - published in Revista Setmana Santa-Crevillente, 76 (2013), p. 232-235.
- ARTS AND TRADES OF OUR ANCESTORS.- Moros and Cristians Crevillent Magazine, 2013, pp. 245-247
- CHARITY AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE CREVILLENTINOS IN THE XLIX CENTURY.- Revista Setmana Santa-Crevillente, 77 (2014), pp. 218-222.
- BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CREVILLENT MUNICIPAL ARCHIVES (1771-2015).- published in Revista Semana-Santa Crevillente, 79 (2016), p. 213-217.
- THE CRAFTSMANSHIP OF MATS IN CREVILLENT. THE CASE OF THE CARPET FACTORY “SON OF AUGUST MES”. - published in Revista Setmana Santa-Crevillente, 80 (2017), pp. 205-208
- GREAT CREVILLENTINE COMPANIES: HILATURES MAS CANDELA.- published in Revista Setmana Santa-Crevillente, 81 (2018), p. 216-223
- THE OLD PARISH OF CREVILLENT THROUGH PASTORAL VISITS (1ST PART): 1605-1691), Revista Setmana Santa-Crevillent, 82 (2019), pp. 246-249.
- THE OLD PARISH OF CREVILLENT THROUGH THE PASTORAL VISITS (1605-1884), La Rella, 32 (2019), p. 73-95.
- THE OLD PARISH OF CREVILLENT THROUGH THE PASTORAL VISITS (1722-1884), Revista Setmana Santa-Crevillent, 83 (2020), pp. 210-214.
- SAINT FRANCIS AND THE OLD PARISH OF OUR LADY OF BETLE, Moors and Christians Magazine, 2020, pp. 178-179.
- A ROUTE THROUGH THE TOWN OF CREVILLENT: THE NOMENCLATURE OF STREETS, Revista Setmana Santa-Crevillent, 84 (2021), pp. 203-207.
- NOTARIAL PROTOCOLS, SOURCE FOR RESEARCHING LOCAL HISTORY, Revista Setmana Santa-Crevillente, 84 (2022), pp. 189-193.
– NUMBER I: THE SUPPLY MARKET. Crevillent Town Hall. Municipal Archive "Clara Campoamor (ed.), DL A 60-2019
– NUMBER II: THE PUBLIC LAUNDRY. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Archive (ed.), DL A 156-2019
– NUMBER III: THE CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF BETHLE. Crevillent Town Hall. Clara Campoamor Municipal Archive (ed.), DL A 276-2019
– NUMBER IV: THE CONSISTORIAL HOUSE. Crevillent Town Hall. Municipal Archive "clara Campoamor" (ed.), DL A 326-2019
– NUMBER V: THE MUNICIPAL CEMETERY. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Archive (ed.), , DL A 408-2019
-NUMBER VI: THE CASTLE. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Archive (ed.), DL A-539-2019
-NUMBER VII: THE CALVARY. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Archive (ed.), DL A 54-2020
– NUMBER VIII: THE MUNICIPAL ARCHIVE. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Archive (ed.). DL A 308-2020
– NUMBER IX: THE BRIDGES. Crevillent Town Hall. Municipal Archive "Clara Campoamor" (ed.), DL A 319-2020
– NUMBER X: THE MUNICIPAL LIBRARY. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Archive (ed.), DL A 250-2021
– NUMBER XI: THE PASSEIG DE FONTENAY LI-COMTE. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoaor" Municipal Archive (ed.), DL A 254-20221
– NUMBER XII: THE THEATERS. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Archive (ed.), DL A 226-2022.
– NUMBER XIII: THE MACIÁ ABELA INSTITUTE. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Archive (ed.), DL A 234-2022.
-NUMBER XIV: THE CASAL FESTERO. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Archive (ed.), DL A 259-2022
-NUMBER XV: POST OFFICES AND TELEGRAPHS. Crevillent Town Hall. "Clara Campoamor" Municipal Archive (ed.), DL A 267-2022.

Services and activities
In person or at a distance (phone, fax, post or email), as well as personalized advice and guidance. All funds have some instrument of description: guide, inventory and catalogue. The consultation is freely accessible, except for the restrictions set by current legislation.
Copies or photographs of documents can be obtained, depending on the condition of the originals.
Made up of reference works, auxiliary sciences of archival and local history, as well as periodical magazines, Setmana Santa and Moros i Cristians.
Concerts (groups)
Digitized documentation can be accessed through the municipal website, such as the books of Actes del Plenary (1840-2010) and general records of Quintes (1838-1901).
Exhibition hall
News from the Clara Campoamor Archive
New donation from Vicente Fuentes Carpenter

Vicente Fuentes Fuster from Crevillen visits the Clara Campoamor Municipal Archive and makes a new donation of documents for conservation, consultation and dissemination among citizens and researchers.
On this occasion, the donation includes a collection of articles on Crevillentine topics, published in the magazine Moros i Cristians and Setmana Santa and a copy of the fortnightly magazine of literature, science and news called "Centre de la Unió", with a total of 51 issues, published by the Crevillentine Society of the same name, between 1889 and 1891, directed by José Alfonso Pérez, whose president, Salvador Mas Quesada, published the New Treatise on Arithmetic for Children (1889).
The Society Center of the Union was an institution of an educational and cultural nature, which founded this magazine with the purpose of informing the members of the agreements, additions and deletions, accounting, visits to the school of initial letters of the Center itself Union, as well as highlighting the names of the most excellent students and other news of interest, whose motto was “without instruction, there is no progress.”
The urban development of Crevillent in the second half of the 20th century

Through the photographic collection of the Municipal Archive of Crevillent, composed of more than 3,000 images thanks to the continuous donations of citizens, we can get to know more about different aspects inherent in Crevillent.
New donation from the hand of José Manuel Beltrá Poveda

Crevillentí, fond of photography, lover of history and our traditions, has deposited in our municipal archive photographs, documents of the Lillo-Gallardo family and movie posters of the Chapí Theater that enlarge our documentary heritage and help us to know better our story
From here our deepest gratitude.
Write to us, send us pictures
Visit us, call us
C/ Blasco Ibáñez, 8
CP 03330 Crevillent, Alicante