It is not known exactly what period the Archive of Aielo de Malferit dates back to, since the town has been from the conquest of Jaume I until well into the s. XIX a manorial town.

But surely its beginnings would be accompanied a little before the news that there are of the lawsuits that they held between the town and the lord, of which there is evidence since 1792

With the claim of the incorporation of the town to the Crown, and others between 1798 and 1806 on the modification of some chapters of the People's Charter, problems on the election of judicial officers or meat supplies, or the Plet of the Real Audience of Valencia (1810-1811) on the levy of the lands of Aielo de Malferit converted into fertile land, etc.

Of all this, we have references thanks to other sources, such as the Archive of the Kingdom of Valencia, since the Archive of Aielo de Malferit, removing some books or bindings from the s. XIX, was the subject of a purge during the Civil War.

Documentary background:
The documents that were saved from the purge and are among the oldest in the Archive:
• Book-draft of the appreciation of the term for the heading (1819-1823)
• Heading book of Sunday rights (1832)
• Wealth register books (1841)
• 14 Civil Registry books: births, deaths and marriages (1841-1877)
• File on the partition and softening of the municipal area (1855-1868)
• 7 volumes on the general legacy of reconstruction of civil records (1871-1874)
• Plan of the term of Aielo de Malferit 1753
• Book of municipal agreements of Aielo de Malferit 1744-1753

Interesting series:
• Plenary Minute Books since 1884
• Quintas since 1885
• Intervention and Depository since 1903

Built-in funds:
• Documentation referring to the Fund of the disappeared Hospital de la Beneficència 1852-1982
• Fund of the Chamber of Agriculture
• Fons Amalio Juan Requena, musician and composer from Aielon
• Fons Angeles Belda Soler, former chronicler of Aielo de Malferit
• Fund Leonardo Carreres Liñana, teacher of the Old Schools
• Photo background with several private collections. A fund of more than 10,000 physical and digitized photographs, some dated from the s. XIX

Services and activities:
Consultation and loan

Extreme dates:
Indexes to two volumes of the 1841 wealth register
Photographs from the Municipal Archive of Aielo de Malferit

Videos - Aielo de Malferit Sociocultural Environment
The little stories are what make the history of a town!
From the beautiful garden of Valencia, Ayelo is a beautiful flower that spreads, everywhere, the fragrances that its heart gives off. Miguel Ferrándiz."Hymn to Ayelo"

Aielo before and now. Exhibition of rephotography
Patronal and Moorish and Christian festivals 1966
Video Festivities 1968
Summer 1968. Friends in Aielo de Malferit
Workers of the past
Subitus concert 2019. NINO BRAVO SYMPHONIC. Aielo de Malferit
Festa de la Cassoleta 1990
Festa de la Cassoleta 1999
Pep Botifarra Sants de la Pedra 1998, Aielo de Malferit
Experiences of... Vicente Sanz Juan
Experiences of... Pilar Barber Martínez 2016
Agrosfera Aielo de Malferit 20-10-2018
Enriqueta La Teulera traditional mantecao
Nino Bravo Museum

I love you I love you
A Kiss and a Flower
Dedicated to honoring his memory and offering those who visit a tour in which they will find many surprises and unpublished material.
It shows Nino Bravo's artistic career from his beginnings to the highest point of his professional life, as well as his personal and family side.
Passeig de L'Eixample, s/n
46812 Aielo de Malferit (Valencia)
Write to us, send us pictures
Visit us, call us
Aielo de Malferit Town Hall.
Old Palace of the Malferit.
Pl. of the City Council, 4 CP 46812 Valencia
Networks of the Municipal Archive of Aielo de Malferit