The Municipal Prison Archive is divided into the Historical Archive and the Administrative Archive. It is located in the Cárcer Town Hall building, on the second floor, sharing municipal offices.

In January 2016, with the accession to the Joint Archives Service, the tasks of organizing, cataloging and classifying its documentation were carried out, which have continued until today.
Since 2018, it has been integrated into the Online Archives System (SAVEX) of the Generalitat Valenciana, and visible in the Opac.

As for the archive itself, it is divided into the Historical Archive and the Administrative Archive. The Historical Archive is inventoried and computerized, and the oldest documents are digitized (boxes 416, 428, 430, 443, 444, 499, 500, 543, 544). The cataloged boxes are numbered, trying to maintain the order of the series. Currently, the documentation is being entered into the Online Archiving System (SAVEX).
8M - Paving the way, breaking differences
👩🏻🦱👩🏽🦰 The women of the Ribera Alta Commonwealth, we want to give a message full of love, respect and hope for the old, current and future generations of colleagues and neighbors in the region.
👩🏻👩🏻🦳 Despite the difficulties, we always had a smile to face them. Above all, we must pursue our life projects, our dreams, only then will we be free and independent.
👵🏼🧕🏽 This video is the little tribute we want to dedicate to all of you, to those who paved the way and those who continue to build it. We will always be united and supporting you.

Services and activities
Internal service to the Administration.
External service to citizens.
Consultation room
Photocopy service.

Documentary services
Sorting, classification and cataloging of both historical and administrative documentation.
Introduction of the catalog files in SAVEX.
Attention to requests (internal and external inquiries).
Digitization of the old and administrative fund.
Subsidy processing.
Collection of documentation for the local fund.
newspaper library
Electronic file management (Manage).

Documentary funds
Municipal Prison Archive Fund.
Fund Court of Peace.
Agrarian Chamber fund.
Fund Municipal Photographic Archive of Cárcer.

Most outstanding documents
Plenary Minutes Books (1922-2022).
Elections (1948-2019).
Work licenses (1928-2016).
Book of the Holidays.
Prison authorities (1939-2022).
Correspondence (1875-2023).
The oldest documentation preserved by the Municipal Prison Archive dates from 1837, and corresponds to a municipal budget.
Extreme dates: 1837-2023
Write to us, send us pictures
Visit us, call us
Plaça Comunitat Valenciana, 2,
46294 Prison, Valencia