The Municipal Archive of Dénia collects the documentation produced over time by the municipality, as well as all those documents, materials that make up collections, printed matter, etc. which are incorporated by donations or acquisitions. An activity, donations, which has been tried to be promoted from the archive among institutions, companies and individuals in Dénia.

In relation to current documentation, the municipal archive of Dénia has been involved in tasks related to document management, since the implementation of Electronic Administration at Dénia Town Hall in 2016.
In this way, the archive guarantees the conservation, organization and service to the public of everything that makes up Dénia's documentary heritage. It functions as the Historical Information and Research Center of the city of Dénia, open to researchers and the general public, and carries out various cultural activities.
Municipal Historical Fund

The history of the municipal historical fund is linked to the complex history of Dénia. With little representation from the 15th and 16th centuries, they buy from the 17th century to the present day. It is in 1624 that we find the first reference to the existence of "the archive of the Hall". Dénia, under the tutelage of the Duke of Lerma, private of Felipe III, will live a time of splendor.

The 18th century begins with difficulties, the War of Succession sinks the city. The new Bourbon Government controls the territory militarily, the Consistorial House is occupied by the troops and the municipal government moves with its archives to different rented houses.

In 1810, the Consistory returned to a municipal building ruined by time and the French War, scattered documents were recovered and some losses were noted. In 1875, the oldest documents were organized, but we will have to wait until the Second Republic to see new actions, although the documentary fund remains in the hands of junior staff.

In 1978, José Martí Muñoz, a writer, was in charge of the archive, and since 1987 he has been municipal archivist Rosa Seser Pérez, the current holder. In 1992, a worthy building was built for the City's Historical Archive with correct conditions for documentation and for user attention and little by little the workforce increased with two technicians and an archive assistant .

Embedded files
Archive of the Bourbon Government of Dénia. (1717-1836).
Historical archive of the Courts of Dénia (1803-1970). It includes the fund of the party of Dénia, of the disappeared judicial party of Pego and the towns of Benissa and Calp, formerly within the judicial party of Callosa d'En Sarrià.
Archive of the Marine Auxiliary of Dénia and Xàbia (1864-1951)n- Archive of the Chamber of Agriculture of Dénia. (1942-1991).
Historical archive of the Fishermen's Guild of Dénia (1923-1994).
Archive of the Branch in Dénia of the Wholesale Cooperative SL (1911-1965).
Personal archive of Jose María Morera Buelti, theater director.n- Personal documents of Roc Chabás and family (1552-1958).
Other personal and company documentary funds.n- Historical archive of the Parish of the Assumption of Dénia (1556-20th century). Digital format.
Historical archive of the Convent of the Discalced Augustines in Dénia (1604-1971). Digital format.

Posters for festivals and cultural and sports activities (19th-21st century).
Local and county maps and plans, original and copies (16th-20th century)n- Photographs. Paper and digital copies.

County historical newspapers
Regional historical press (1840-s. XX). Originals and copies of the press from Dénia and other towns in the Marina Alta: Revista de la Marina, La Razón, la Palabra, Exportación de Pasa Valenciana, El País, Comarca, El Poble de la Marina, etc...
Canfali Marina Alta (1976-present).
Press clippings about Dénia organized by topic (1960-2000).
County supplements and news from Dénia from: Las Províncias, Levante, etc...

Historical library
Municipal historical collection (16th-19th centuries).
Library specialized in local and regional subjects.
Historical legislative collection (from 1814 onwards).
Books and programs for festivals in Dénia (1879/ from 1904 onwards), La Xara and Jesús Pobre, and some towns in the Marina Alta.n- Brochures and printed matter organized by theme (19th-21st centuries)

Services and activities
Reading and consultation room.
Public service: face-to-face, telephone, OAC portal, e-mail...
Reproduction in photocopies and digital.
Consultation of digital images.
Arranged visits.
Project: "Look for your ancestors. History of the families of Dénia".
County historical newspapers.
auxiliary library

Cultural activities
Call for the Roc Chabàs Research Award. City of Dénia.
Edition of facsimiles and other publications: 34 publications.
Collaboration of the archive in the edition of the magazine Aguaits, essay and research of the Institute of Regional Studies of the Marina Alta: 45 issues.
Cycles of activities and publications on democratic memory.
Historically themed conferences and parties.
Realization and projection of audiovisuals. n-Oral Memory of the Archive. interviews
Memorial exhibitions and donations.
Presentation of books.
Thematic files.
Most outstanding documents
The Title of City of Dénia, granted by King Felipe III, in 1612.
The Testament of the Duke of Lerma of the year 1617.
Municipal act books, cash books etc...
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Plaça Enric Valor, s/n 03700 Dénia