In the Municipal Archive of Montroi we find the municipal fund resulting from the activity developed by the City Council, from 1817 to the present day.

In addition, it integrates the Fund of the Local Agrarian Chamber, Fund of the Spanish Falange, and the Fund of the Court of Peace. As well as the Fund of the Community of the Vall dels Alcalans, an entity that has its headquarters in the offices of the Montroi City Council
The Archive had always been located on the second floor of the Town Hall building at Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 11.
In 2000, heavy rains caused the roof to collapse, and part of the documentation was affected. The most important and necessary one was kept at the City Hall, and the rest were moved to the basement-garage of the doctor's dispensary.

Some time later, due to the need for new offices, the second floor was restructured and the dimensions intended for the Archives were considerably reduced.
In 2004, Montroi/y City Council joined the experimental phase of the Archives Service of the Commonwealth of Ribera Alta.
And since March 10, 2005, through plenary agreement, they have adhered to the consolidated phase of said service, maintaining the 4 monthly modules (16 hours per month) until today, except for the year 2015, when different extensions were made, to 5 and 5.5 modules, due to the relocation work of the Archive.
During 2007, the basement renovation works were carried out, and the Archive moved provisionally, until its completion, to the second floor.
In December 2009, it also suffered the consequences of the rupture of a water pipe adjacent to the building.
During the first months of 2015, the entire Archive was moved to the new building intended for the City Council, located at C/ Raval, 56, unifying the different funds in a single annex located on the first floor.

Documentary funds
City Hall fund
Agrarian Chamber fund
Spanish Falange Fund (FET and de les JONS)
Fund Court of Peace
Vall dels Alcalans Community Fund
Photographic and audiovisual background
Collection of posters
newspaper library
Most outstanding documents
Minute books since 1885, Service auctions since 1897, Register of inhabitants since 1882, Quintes since 1910, Personal files since 1874, Building licenses since 1942, etc.
Services and activities
Internal service, in the Administration.
External service, in the cityto:
– Consultation room
– Auxiliary Library
- Photocopying service
Write to us, send us pictures
Visit us, call us
Carrer de la Raval, 56, 46193 Montroi, Valencia