The Valencian Design Archive is an initiative of the Valencia School of Design and the University of Valencia, which manages the project through its General Foundation. With an initial nucleus of documentation formed by the personal and professional archive of Lola Castelló and Vicent Martínez around Punt Mobles and the collections of documentation that Manuel Lecuona has compiled in the years he has devoted to design research.

Its main objective is the cataloging and preservation of documentation generated by designers, design studios and design departments of the main Valencian companies.

So that it can be consulted and studied, both by researchers and by anyone interested in analyzing, from original documentation, the processes of creation, production, dissemination and use of design.
Presentation of the Valencian Design Archive

Documentary funds
Eduardo Albors
Baño & Lax Associates
Paco Bascuñán
Jose Juan Belda
Pepe Benlliure
Xavier Bordils
Lola Castelló – Punt Mobles
College of Interior Designers of the Valencian Community - CDICV
Jaume I University of Castelló – Valencian designers
Curved Space
Manuel Lecuona
Vicent Martínez – Punt Mobles
Martínez-Medina family
Fernando Mateu de Ros
Pedro Miralles
Ramón Ricart Gil
Mariana Salgado
Bernard Tejeda
Andres Gil Cañizares
Juan Nava
UV Culture
Extreme dates: 1900 - 2010

The Valencian Design Archive
It is committed to promoting and encouraging the appreciation of design's contributions to the culture and economy of our societies.

The University of Valencia
It manages the AVD, through its General Foundation and with EASD Valencia, to provide the continuity and stability that the project requires.
Archive Magazine
Dedicated to design primarily hosting unpublished, blind peer-reviewed research articles. Annually, it consists of an assessable section (Studies) and another non-assessable section (Documents and Reviews). Published in open access by the Valencian Design Archive through the University of Valencia.
Information and contact:

Ethnological design report
Memory archive
The interviews have made it possible to collect information necessary to understand the points of view of the different members of the designer community.
The selection criteria of the interviewees have taken into account the contribution of their work in the field of design to the history of Valencian culture, as artistic expressions specific to the Valencian Community and their contribution and recognition in the national and international scope.
See interviews
Interior designer.
Designer and co-founder of Punt Mobles.
Designer and co-founder of Punt Mobles.
Industrial designer.
Global designer.

Design in the framework of the circular economy: creation, valorization and reception
The Valencian Archive of Design is organizing its first international congress called "Design in the Frame of Circular Economy: Creation, Valorization and Reception". This congress will take place on November 10, 11 and 12, 2022 in the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Valencia. The presentations, thematic round tables, communications and posters that will be presented will deal with fundamental aspects of design today, such as: the creation of design, its valorization and its social reception within the framework of the so-called circular economy . In addition, a whole series of activities will be organized in other spaces related to design.
date: 10, 11 and 12 November 2022
place: Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Valencia. Sala Palmireno (3rd floor).
Streaming Presentations and Communications: Youtube channel of the General Foundation of the University of Valencia

José Martínez-Medina and artistic innovation in Valencia
Cristina Alabau
Andrew Alfaro
Rafael Armengol
Manuel Boix
Javier Calvo
Chronicle team
Amadeo Gabino
Joseph Guinovart
Arthur Heras
Manuel Hernández Mompó
Carmen Michavila
Joaquín Michavila
Anna Peters
Eusebio Sempere
Salvador Soria
Manuel Valdes
Aurora Valero
Salvador Victoria
Jose Maria Yturralde
Contexts of the Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection – University of Valencia
From December 20, 2022 to April 16, 2023.
José Martínez-Medina y Montoro (1919-2006) took charge, from 1952 and together with his brothers, of the company they had inherited from their father, the founder of the furniture factory, Juan Martínez Medina. José's dedication was not limited to collaborating in the management of the family business, but he also pursued a career as a designer for the company which, by now, is already considered one of the main contributions to the modernization of furniture and interior design in Valencia during the second half of the 20th century. His training at the School of Fine Arts in the city and his experience working in the family business from a very young age gave him high skills as a draftsman, creator of product designs and interior designer.
But also his constant interest in everything that was associated with artistic creation, as well as his anxiety to adapt and adapt his productive environment to the new aesthetic trends of his time made José Martínez-Medina an influential personality in the Valencian artistic world.
The store that the Martínez-Medina family opened on Carrer del Poeta Querol in Valencia in 1962 became, thanks to José's impulse, a meeting place with whom he shared his interests towards an innovative orientation of the creative act, well outside of from theoretical approaches, as in the case of Vicente Aguilera Cerni, or from artistic practice, as in that of Ximo Michavila. In addition to his relationships with artists who had already achieved some recognition in academic and critical circles, José Martínez-Medina contributed to making a large group of emerging young people gain visibility. For decades, he arranged the aforementioned furniture sales premises as a showroom for recent creations, some of which were the result of creative experiments and strongly non-conformist attitudes towards the most conventional conceptions. In this way, he acted as a contact and facilitator so that, even those who opted for the riskiest proposals, could find ways to enter the artistic market and spread their work.
The main body of the exhibition comes from the Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection of the University of Valencia, which has among its holdings a good representation of paintings and graphic works by artists about whom there is any evidence of an artistic relationship with José Martínez -Medina To this contribution, other works from the Martínez-Medina family have been added, as well as loans from the IVAM and various artists or their heirs, covering the period of greatest artistic involvement of José Martínez-Medina , from the sixties to the end of the twentieth century. In addition to the interest that these works have for themselves as evidence of the vitality of artistic creation in Valencia for a long period, the Valencian Archive of Design of the University of Valencia, as the organizing entity, wants to guide this exhibition towards the demonstration of the intense structural and homologous connections between the world of design and the plastic arts within the great framework of creative practices inspired by the ideal of innovation.

Circularity for turbulent times. Activism by design.
Semi-face-to-face workshop aimed at companies and design professionals, agents of the Valencian Innovation System (launch centers, institutes, innovation centers and networks, local development agencies) startups, associations of young entrepreneurs and students of art and design.
Reformulate the value of design as a tool capable of responding, efficiently, to the new challenges linked to environmental and social sustainability, and to that of the companies themselves.
Manuel Lecuona, Professor of Design Management at the UPV (Valencia).
Eneko Muruzabal of CIRCULAR BILIBIN (Donostia), Uxue Montero de MOVE (Donostia), Álex Jiménez. CEO of NUTCREATIVES and professor of the Circular Economy Module of the UPC (Barcelona), Héctor Nicolau de NU-FURNITURE (Castelló), Mari Carmen Estevan de TODAY IS THE DAY (Alicante), Rafael Villar de INNOVA INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (Alicante), Pedro Sáez de MONNOU, circular, social and regenerative design (Valencia), Adolfo Ibáñez de BAUKUNTS ARCHITECTURE AND VIRTUALIZATION (Valencia), Tera Yegros de APU'A: design with criteria of circularity (Valencia), Clara del Portillo de YONOH STUDIO (Valencia), María Navarro de ADCV (Valencia), Daniel Carpena, responsible for UPV VIDEO GAME CLUB (Valencia), Samuel Miralles Salvador, investment partner of NU-FURNITURE (Castelló), María Luisa Peydró, Technical R+D+i. Cultural Sector of THE SHIPS INNOVATION CENTER (Valencia), Pau Rausell, CONCULT-UV (Valencia) Jordi Sebastiá, IVACE (Valencia) I and students of theEASD Valencia.

Design policies.
Kike Correcher (Filmac Center SL) will present his personal assessment of the "World Design Policy Conference" held on November 3 and 4 in Valencia. The webinar expects to have representatives from the public administration as well as from civil society, academic institutions and companies.

Valuing and preserving the documentary legacy in design companies
Valuing and preserving the documentary legacy in design companies has become an unavoidable task. The plan is to have the testimony of some examples of good practices, both from the business sector and from private collecting, to then be able to discuss the importance of the heritage generated by companies throughout their history , the problems posed by its conservation and what are the future prospects.

Design and social innovation
With this Webinar we want to approach design not only from an economic perspective (expertise) but also from its social dimension, that is, linked to its ability to articulate, from creativity, innovation and participation , proposals aimed at responding to new and emerging realities.
A conversation between various agents (civil society, public administration, academic institutions and companies) with the aim of raising questions and opening lines of research and collaboration.
Gallery of the Valencian Design Archive
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Faculty of Geography and History - University of Valencia
Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 28
46010 Valencia
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