El Punt is an archive, library and documentation and training center built from social and community self-organization.
Have as objectives:

-Collect, give documentary treatment and study the documentary memory of the struggles and antagonistic social movements, to disseminate them in the present and the future.
-Promote the dissemination of knowledge, culture and memory as necessary tools for profound social transformation.
-Build a library of politically incorrect and intellectually stimulating readings.
-Generate dynamics of exchange of knowledge between equals, which allow us to make a critical reading of the world we live in and which broaden our alternatives in decision-making
-Reflect on other possible, more supportive forms of relationship between us, extending transformative political practice to intimate spaces.
The Point Free Learning Space

Documentary funds
El Punt is dedicated to the compilation of documentary funds of social, cultural and political organizations of antagonistic movements: environmentalism, feminism, anarchism, squatting movement, defense of the territory, anti-prison and anti-repressive struggles, grassroots trade unionism, autonomous movement...

Mainly our background
It is fed by printed documentation intended for propaganda, dissemination, promotion and awareness: posters, stickers, flyers, reports...

Most outstanding documents
The poster collection stands out for its dimensions, designs, content and uniqueness.
By geographical distribution, we mainly have documentation from the Valencian Country, but we also have documentation from the rest of Spain and other countries.
We are currently in the process of classification, installation and description.
Despite being printed documents and widely dispersed at the time, they are ephemeral documentation, the one kept by us being the only existing copy.
Extreme dates: 1940 -
Routes through Anarchist Valencia
We are not a publisher, but we want to collaborate in promoting interesting publishing projects such as:
This is a publication about anarchism in the city of Valencia throughout its 150 years of history. We think that one way of conveying the presence of anarchists in Valencia is through the places they passed through or through which they still do today.
We want to recover these spaces of libertarian memory, memory and collective history of culture and struggle that the hegemonic narrative wants to erase and deny.
This is a first approach to recognize the city from a different point of view, as it has never been shown to us, and to have the possibility to tour it from the 12 routes proposed with 196 stops, more than 250 referenced sites, two hundred images and a revolutionary songbook.
Services and activities
We have a self-managed library service
Funds related to the themes of the archive, integrated in the Network of Social Libraries.
We also have an important historical newspaper archive of magazines and fanzines of social movements.

The Point Gallery. Free Learning Space
Write to us, send us pictures
Visit us, call us
C/Garcilaso 11, bottom right, 46003, Valencia