The steam engine for making spark plugs

The steam engine for making spark plugs

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File consisting of 42 pages. Chronology of the events. Two residents of the Plaza Mayor nº 1 (Dolores) and nº 2 (Antonio). Dolores' attorney is the judicial attorney of Ontinyent Francisco de Paula Segrelles i Pla.

March. Antonio, a confectioner and wax manufacturer, installs a steam engine in his garden to make candles. So far everything is normal, but the oven is attached to the dividing wall of Dolores, a widow and neighbor of Valencia, and without the appropriate permits requested. Neither from the neighbor nor from the city council.
2 and a half years of "dimes and directs" begin.

In December, Dolores demands that the city council destroy it, among other reasons, because she sees it as dangerous and harmful, she has to have the balconies closed due to the smoke that enters her house from the chimney, she cannot hang clothes in the garden, etc. That same month, the urban police commission comes to inspect the machine and reports that it must be removed. The city council agrees to “remove the machine” (=cease) because it violates articles 183,184,185 and 187 of the municipal ordinances.

January. Antonio appeals the municipal decision saying that it is not municipal competence; but a week later, Antonio himself withdraws the appeal filed by himself and requests a permit for its installation. The city council informs Dolores. Dolores asks for more explanations in order to be able to judge the new installation “…del nuevo artefacto”

February. The municipal commission verifies that Antonio had removed the chimney (=fumeral) alone because the steam engine was still working and they ask Antonio for an explanation.
5 months pass without a response from Antonio, who continues to manufacture spark plugs.
July. Antonio responds to the city council.
August. But Dolores does not accept them and opposes them.
September. The City Council agrees to deny permission and does not authorize the machine.
October. Notifies Antonio “…to lift the machine or device” and fines him 15 pesetas for disobeying the corporation's agreement of December of last year.
Two months pass.
December. Antonio submits a letter to the city council saying that he has destroyed the steam engine, but it is not true because it continues to operate “…being public and notorious.” Antonio requests a new permit to install a new engine.

January Dolores again opposes the installation "...annoying, dangerous and harmful to health...without keeping the proper is proposed to achieve in a cunning way and as a surprise..." and Antonio submits a letter rebutting said opposition "...with truth expediente (sic) that should not have suffered any interruption...there is no law applicable to the case that the municipal ordinances...existiendo como existen funcción several Ovens of identical conditions in more central places that have not given no opposition or difficulty."

February. The City Council agrees to “the lifting of the machine… dangerous… lack of precautions… due to proximity to adjacent houses…” and denies authorization, but does not notify Antonio until May because they were in the election period. Antonio neither pays the fine of 15 pts. nor destroys the steam engine and the oven.


August. Monday the 2nd, Antonio does not authorize them to enter his house and authorization is requested from the municipal court. The City Council proceeds to lift the steam engine by the machinist of the house, Rafael Terol and the worker Francisco Bernabeu. Everyone says that it had not been working for a few hours because not a single screw (=tornillo) is missing and there is still hot water in the boiler.

candle: Stearin or white wax candle.
Candle: Cylinder of wax, tallow or other fatty matter, with a cotton wick on the shaft so that it can be lit and give light.
Tallow: Solid fat obtained by melting and refining the adipose tissues of bovines or other livestock, which is used to make candles, soap and other uses. (= tallow)


Joseph Moll
Health and ball
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